Tags: differential, privacy, epsilon, ML, Machine Learning
I already explained DP ML in another post 1, so this blog post covers the question, how can we design a service that lets customers finetune Large Language Models in a privacy preserving way.
With the rise of data privacy laws like GDPR, DSGVO and CCPA, companies face increased scrutiny on data handling practices. The demand for privacy-preserving AI models is growing, especially in highly regulated industries. Despite this demand, many businesses lack the in-house expertise to implement their own model fine-tuning. Although there are a lot of third party services for finetuning models, they do not offer any privacy guarantees over the potentially sensitive datasets.
This blog post addresses a potential cloud service offering privacy-preserving LLM finetuning.
Our goal is to design a system where:
Please refer to the complete code and the flask webservice implementation here: https://github.com/anon767/DP_FinetuningService/tree/main
To ensure privacy, we perturb the dataset directly in the user’s browser before it is sent to the server. This prevents any sensitive data from leaving the user’s environment. We achieve this by training a Word2Vec (W2V) model and applying noise mechanisms 2.
Thus we train a W2V model on text8 dataset using a vocab of 100k with these parameters:
And eventually we load the Word2Vec model with tensorflowjs in the browser and perturb the text in JavaScript:
We perturb each word vector with Gaussian noise:
The cool thing is, the user does not have to trust us up until this point. The cleartext data is not leaving his premises. Given an original text like:
We send the perturbed vectors that roughly correspond to this text:
Once the perturbed data reaches the server, the backend fine-tunes the selected model. To prevent the model from memorizing sensitive information, we apply Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD). Additionally, we use Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to fine-tune only a subset of model parameters, preserving the original performance. By clipping gradients at 1 and adding noise with a standard deviation of 0.1, we achieve an epsilon of approximately 48.45 (assuming delta = 10^-5).
So how does LoRA work3 ? Imagine a feedforward network: $$X^t = WX^{(t-1)} + b$$ While $X^0 \in R^{[N, |inputFeatures|]}$ being the input features and $W \in R^{[|outputFeatures|, |inputFeatures|]}$ being the weight matrix. The weight matrix might be potentially very large, having billions of parameters. So instead of finetuning that matrix we add another weight matrix with low rank and keep the original $W$ untouched: $$W_{LoRA} = AB$$ With $A \in R^{[|outputFeatures|, r]}$ and $B \in R^{[r, |inputFeatures|]}$. If $r$ is sufficiently small we can optimize $A$ and $B$ separately which will have a lot less parameters. $W_{LoRA}$ is simply a linear combination of these two matrices giving the original dimensions.
This gives us: $$X^t = WX^{(t-1)} + b + W_{LoRA}X^{(t-1)} $$
So instead of optimizing $|outputFeatures|*|inputFeatures|$ parameters, we optimize $|outputFeatures|*r + |inputFeatures|*r$ parameters. Thus, rank $r$ needs to be sufficiently small, bounded by the harmonic mean of $∣outputFeatures∣$ and $∣inputFeatures∣$ to ensure the LoRA optimization is efficient and reduces the total parameter count.
We load the selected model and find all modules that can potentially be finetuned by LoRA. We could also hardcode this, but since in the end we don’t know which model the user is going to select we do it dynamically.
Finally, we can use Opacus to train the LoRA adapters of the LLM with the DP-SGD 4.
In this post, we have outlined a framework for privacy-preserving fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs). The proposed system allows users to upload sensitive datasets with confidence, as their data remains secure through Local Differential Privacy (LDP) mechanisms applied directly in their browser. Once perturbed, the data is fine-tuned using Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) on the server, with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) ensuring efficient and parameter-efficient optimization.
Dwork, C., & Roth, A. (2014). “The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy.” Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science. (Comprehensive introduction to DP basics.) ↩︎
Hu, E. J., Shen, Y., Wallis, P., et al. (2021). “LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.09685. (Original paper on LoRA.) ↩︎
Abadi, M., Chu, A., Goodfellow, I., et al. (2016). “Deep Learning with Differential Privacy.” Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'16). (Foundational work introducing DP-SGD.) ↩︎